“OK, sorry, but I have just have to say again how much I loved the show and how I think this is such an incredible program for our kids! First of all, there are just some great performances by some really talented kids (how is it that Pauline is not in chorus?)! Then, I love how even though you are working with kids, there is still a real “excellence” about what you are doing. And best of all is that there is place for everyone to be a star!! You did such a great job of mixing things up and giving all of them a chance to take risks and put themselves out there and be performers!! And the age range makes it that much better.

Josh has always been a performer, so the risking and confidence thing is not much of a stretch in his case. But what he does get to learn (which he has needed BADLY) is that excellent performing includes discipline and teamwork and that leading means sometimes supporting someone else in being the star.

I cannot say enough about how important I think the work is that you are doing and I am thrilled that you seem to be gaining some momentum. I have talked to both the choral and drama teachers at Hoover and I really want to get you working together with them soon so that your programs really begin to support each other.

Bravo and encore and I can’t wait for the next one!! Thanks so much for how hard you work to teach these kids such important stuff!”