Monster Revue
Tech Week

Join Jaxx this Spring for a ghoulishly-good time in

The Monster Musical Revue!



Registration includes:

  • Script
  • DropBox Containing all Music

Registration is for participation in a musical theatre class and performing arts education experience. It is not for a certain role or part. Our saying is, "You get what you get and you don't get upset." We encourage you and your student to adopt this philosophy.

Students are allowed three absences. Late arrivals and early dismissals count as half an absence. After three absences, the student’s role in the production is forfeited. The student may still participate in the production, as long as there are no further absences.

All students must provide their own Jaxx approved black shoes and black, white or flesh colored undergarments prior to Tech Week.

All students and parents must sign Jaxx's Parent-Student Agreement


Classes: Wednesday, 2:45 – 4:45PM

2/12, 19, 26

3/5, 12, 19, 26



*Informal ‘share-case’ following the final class @ 5PM


*All students must be available for all classes and all performances


Open to students in grades, 1st-5th First come, first served so please register early!

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.


Fill out the form and proceed with your payment to fully register.

This form is not yet available.


Sharpen your skills as an actor, break down your script, develop your character, and memorize your lines FAST with a Jaxx acting coach. Learn More.


Go over your complete audition from start to finish including walking into the room, performing the material, and saying goodbye. Learn More.


Work on your dance technique, get extra help with a routine, or exercise to any form of dance you choose. We teach them all! Learn More.


Learn correct vocal technique, train your ear to become a better singer and/or work on a new song you have always wanted to sing! Learn More.

May I get a refund?

  • We have a strict no refund policy due to the sensitive nature of casting and budgeting which includes the advance booking of staff for each class and production.
  • REFUNDS requested MORE than SEVEN calendar days BEFORE the 1st audition or class (whichever happens first) are entitled to a FULL REFUND less $40 processing fee.
  • REFUNDS within SEVEN days of auditions or classes starting (whichever happens first), but BEFORE the FIRST class or audition (whichever happens first) are entitled to a 50% REFUND of total paid.
  • There are ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS for ANY reason after the first audition or class (whichever happens FIRST.)
  • We are unable to make exceptions or accommodations for ANY reason, and please believe us when we tell you we have heard them all. We secure our instructors, directors, designers and plan our budgets in advance. We have adopted a stricter, post-pandemic blanket policy to safeguard our staff, classes and productions.
  • The no refund policy applies to students who get COVID or fall ill and are unable to perform.
  • If you elect the payment plan and drop out AFTER casting is announced for ANY reason, you are responsible to pay the FULL PAYMENT PLAN TUITION AMOUNT. Your card on file will be charged in accordance with the dates of the plan.
  • If your student is unable to participate in the class and production for ANY reason after the refund deadline, your non-refundable tuition may be pro-rated and used as a tax-deductible contribution. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Please note: Jaxx is made up of a company of artists who thrive in the ENSEMBLE. Therefore, we exemplify and employ the philosophy that there are no small roles, only small actors and must respectfully safeguard our productions. Tuition is not payment for a role or a certain number of lines, but rather an ENSEMBLE musical theatre class and performing arts education experience. We encourage you and your student to adopt this philosophy prior to registering.

My kid just wants to try it out… what if they do not like it?

Because of the commitment we are asking students and parents to make to the production, we respectfully recommend you discuss with your child if performing is right for them at this time. Do they enjoy other performance opportunities in the classroom or at school? Are they shy, but willing to take part in the ensemble to help bring them out of their shell? Do they love performing for you at home? Have they seen a show with others their age and thought they might like to try that? If you answer yes to any of these questions, chances are good it is the right time! If they answer NO to these questions, sit this one out and see how they feel next time. Please take note of the NO REFUND POLICY.

What happens after I register and pay online?

You will receive an automated bounce-back email with a sign-up genius link for a 5-minute audition appointment slot and access to the audition dropbox. If you did not receive this automated email, please check your spam folder. If after that you still have not received the link, please email your designated Parent Liaison at your school site or email [email protected]

How do I know if my registration & payment were accepted?

You will receive payment confirmation along with the bounce-back email.

Was I charged twice?

Most likely not. Jaxx’s secure site collects CC info, but does not charge your card for the initial registration payment. You need to re-enter your CC info via Paypal to pay tuition and be fully registered. Your card will only be charged once.

Why does Jaxx collect CC info in two places?

Jaxx requires CC info for several reasons:
  1. In the event you elect a payment plan and do not self-submit the second payment by the midway point of the session by clicking ‘donate’ on our website or via Venmo @Jaxx-Theatricals.
  2. To charge you $1/minute if you are over 10 minutes late for pick up at sites that do not have an after-care program. There is a 10–minute grace period.
  3. To charge a $10/day rental fee during tech week if you do not have the required show shoes. We will provide shoes or black gaff tape to cover your child’s shoe for each day needed.

What happens at the audition?

When students enter the room, we prefer they do the following:
  • Stand on the X (if there is one) and introduce themself with a greeting.
  • Tell us their age and grade.
  • Let us know which ONE song and ONE scene they will be doing. We will do the song first and scene second UNLESS the scene leads into the song. It is helpful if they know the time code to where they would like to start and stop.
  • Inform us if they do any kind of “tricks”. (Tricks include: Cartwheels, RoundOffs, Handsprings, WalkOvers, Splits, play a musical instrument, etc.). If they do not, absolutely NO worries, as it does not count against you and all roles do not have to do tricks!
Please note: The info asked at the beginning of an audition is called a ‘SLATE’.

When does my child receive their role?

All children receive their roles during the 2nd class or third week of rehearsals. All cast members will participate in our in-person Casting Ceremony.

What if my child is absent on the day of the casting ceremony?

If your child was absent during the casting ceremony, they will need to wait until they are back in person to receive their role. No roles are emailed out and scripts may not be picked up. All cast members will participate in the Jaxx casting ceremony.

Jaxx employs color & gender conscious casting. What does that mean?

Unlike a professional production that can search far and wide for actors; educational theatre presents its own set of challenges in casting. We are limited to the cast that is signed up to participate in any given production. We strive to emulate a casting scenario that respects cultures, skin colors and gender identities and acknowledge that sometimes we fall short. However, Jaxx does not agree with the rigid philosophy that a piece of art may not be explored in an educational setting if you do not have the perfect and exact cultural, race or gender specific cast. For culture at its core is meant to be shared and explored. We take the cast we have for any given show and celebrate their specific cultures, skin colors and gender identities to form the best cast possible showcasing the unique energy and essence that each actor brings to the role inside the audition room. As well-traveled Cultural Arts Envoys for the USA, it is important we educate our students and families in the cultural and societal similarities and differences we witness while traveling abroad.

What should my superstar wear to class?

Students should come prepared to dance everyday. Please wear appropriate shoes (no crocs, flip flops, or open toed shoes) and comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement. Most clothing students wear to school is fine, but occasionally a change into appropriate shoes or clothing for dancing may be needed. Students wearing skirts or dresses should always have something underneath–this includes AUDITION DAY. Students with long hair should make sure it is out of their face at all times.

Oh no! I lost my script. What should I do?

Do not panic. Jaxx has replacement scripts for $10 (hard copy only). Please email [email protected] to place your order.

What are appropriate undergarments?

  • We typically do not have “dressing rooms” and with the nature of many of our shows, costume changes in the middle of the show are often needed. Some students will also wear microphones underneath their costumes.
  • Black, white, or flesh colored undergarments and black, white, or flesh colored socks (or no socks) are needed for the flexibility and ease for your performer to change in front of others. Black, white, or flesh colored tank tops or camisoles work well on top and black, white, or flesh colored biker shorts or something similar on the bottom. Black, white, or flesh colored leotards (or things of the like) also work well.
  • Occasionally, we will have a specific request such as black, white or flesh colored ONLY so it looks better with costumes. Your child also might have an idea of what undergarment colors might work best once they see or try on their costume. (i.e. if they are in a white costume, we would ask they NOT wear black undergarments and vice versa.)

What are Jaxx approved show shoes?

By registering for our class and production, you are agreeing to provide your own Jaxx approved ALL BLACK dance or dress shoe. All black Vans, Tom’s and the generic equivalent are fine. Shoes can usually be shiny, flashy, sequined, etc., but should not have white soles, laces, insignia, or any other color on the shoe. Gym/Tennis/Sneakers typically do not work and look too clunky on stage, however if the laces and soles are also black they might work. Send us a pic at [email protected] if you are unsure. These shoes do not need to be worn for weekly classes, unless desired. Some shows require different shoes. For instance, in lieu of an ALL BLACK SHOE, we may prefer students wear CONVERSE (or generic equivalent) for shows like GREASE or WEST SIDE STORY. Please be sure to check with us on what that show’s shoe choice is before purchasing anything. Please be sure to check with us prior to purchasing your shoes in case there are specific shoes required for the production.

What is the ‘mainstage’ theatre experience? Why do I have to pay for tickets to the show? Where does all that money go?

As part of the ‘MAINSTAGE’ THEATRE EXPERIENCE, Jaxx employs ALL the following” personnel in addition to its Executive Team of Producers. Aside from the Parent Liaison, Jaxx typically does not have volunteers:
  • Director
  • Choreographer
  • Musical Director
  • Backstage Crew
  • Costume Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • House Manager
  • Lighting Designer
  • Light Board Operator
  • Spotlight Operator
  • Set Designer
  • Sound Designer
  • Sound Engineer
  • Stage Manager
  • Tour Manager
  • Wardrobe Supervisor
  • Videographer
  • Photographer
Please note: Team members may occasionally take on two or more of these positions. In turn, Jaxx provides ALL the following included in the ‘MAINSTAGE’ THEATRE EXPERIENCE:
  • Costumes
  • DropBox link for music, videos, audition material, etc.
  • Licensing rights to the shows, when applicable.
  • Lights
  • Microphones & Sound Equipment (Limited in quantity)
  • Pipe & Drape, when applicable
  • Playbills (Black & White)
  • Props
  • Scripts
  • Sets
  • Storage Facilities
  • T-shirts
Please note: Tuition, alone, does not cover the costs for personnel and the equipment and items included in the ‘MAINSTAGE’ THEATRE EXPERIENCE. Additional funding from tickets, DVDs/USBs, playbill dedications & business ads, gift-o-grams, and concession sales is a crucial financial component that allows Jaxx to continue to provide the top-notch quality programming to which students, families, schools, and patrons are accustomed. The ‘MAINSTAGE’ THEATRE EXPERIENCE additional funding also assists in keeping the tuition down and our ability to offer scholarships where needed. Jaxx has provided the ‘MAINSTAGE’ THEATRE EXPERIENCE for students, families, and schools in four school districts, the private sector and in theatres throughout LA County since 2006.

Where are the classes & performances?

Classes and performances are typically held at your school/site’s theatre, auditorium, or MPR. Some sites have classes in one location, but travel to another location for the performances. If travel is required, it will be indicated when you register.

Why are your classes closed?

We have found in our many years of teaching arts education classes that students behave and perform to the best of their abilities when they are in a closed, safe environment. To ensure the highest level of professional, quality instructional time and education, all Jaxx classes and auditions are closed. Thank you for understanding.

Do you provide costumes?

As mentioned above, costume rental is included in the tuition and costumes should be treated with care. Occasionally, we will ask if your student has stock items such as black pants, white button down shirts, or other general items for use in the show. If you ever do not have items such as these, you do not need to go shopping for them. Jaxx will provide. However, we do not provide shoes or undergarments.

Do you offer snacks or provide meals?

We do not offer snacks or provide meals. Please be sure to pack a non-perishable snack or meal for your student when appropriate. It is also helpful if your student has their own water bottle. During tech week, students may monitor their own snack time and breaks with the help of our backstage crew based on when they are not needed on stage. Jaxx staff members are always available to help a student determine when the best possible time may be to take a break throughout tech week. Getting into and out of microphones and sound check takes over an hour away from the rehearsal time, so breaking for additional snack/meal breaks is not always possible. In the event, we do take an official break, it is important your child wears a microphone cover to protect the mic while eating and drinking. The downtime during mic’ing and sound check at the top of rehearsal is often a good time to have a snack or meal.

Where is my merchandise order?

Jaxx has a small, hard-working administrative staff. Orders take approximately 12-14 weeks from your order date for processing, which includes processing, editing, duplication and distribution. Your patience is appreciated. If you have not received your order after 14 weeks, please email [email protected].

May I volunteer with Jaxx?

Certainly! Opportunities to volunteer are always appreciated after a training session with the Director of Operations & Staff. Some of the opportunities include:

  • Each production needs extra help with the front of the house. Duties may include:
    • Concessions and/or gift-o-gram sales and deliveries before the show, at intermission, and after the show
    • Ushering
  • Hair & Make-up before the performances or Dress Rehearsal (no more than two volunteers)
  • Meals/Monitors on Days with Official Breaks
    • During tech week and performances, we need meal monitors to help feed the kids on the performance days. This ensures our hardworking staff is able to get a break.
    • Provide/Sponsor meals & healthy snacks for staff & students during performances & tech week in lieu of packing a non-perishable meal.

Jaxx is always looking for fundraising opportunities. If you are willing to run a silent auction or host a fundraiser. Please let us know!

Do I need to help my student at home?

Please help your student be "off book" by the deadline date, which is typically 15-30 days prior to your first performance.

  • My child does not like their costume/wig, may they wear something different?
    • Please be sure to list ALL allergies or potential wardrobe modifications needed in the special notes section prior to registering, so we know in advance and are able to take this information into account when casting. Otherwise, all students should wear the costume pieces and wigs as assigned baby the Wardrobe Supervisor.
  • How many rehearsal classes are they allowed to miss?
    • Jaxx employs a three point attendance system. Missing a rehearsal class equals one point and arriving late or leaving early is half a point. Missing a day of tech week equals two points. AFTER three points have been accumulated on the 3.5 or 4th point, the Directors may reassign any material (lines, solos, choreography) at their discretion.
  • We have a trip planned / We have a soccer game / Aunt Eller is in town … may we only participate in the first show (or last show)?
    • Students must be available for ALL performances in order to participate.

When does my student need to be off book? And what does off book mean?

Off book is a theatrical term for when all lines, solos, lyrics, choreography, blocking, entrances, and exits are committed to memory. Jaxx allows students to say “LINE” all the way up until tech week if they need help remembering their line. Jaxx requires students to be off book one month before the first performance. During tech week, our students must apply the art of improvisation if they forget a line.

What is Tech Week?

We have an entire page dedicated to TECH WEEK. See it here.

Seriously, may I please have a refund?

Seriously, no you may not. We are not in the business of selling roles or lines. We have heard EVERYTHING! And, in our post-COVID world – EVERYTHING! Please do not ask for a refund. Please encourage your student, and we will too, to complete the class and production in the role assigned. There is so much to learn by being a member of the ensemble with only ONE line or NO lines. The ensemble in a show is asked to create an entire world for their character in all the group scenes and songs. We do not encourage pulling focus, but we do appreciate motivated, thoughtful acting choices from our ensemble members. We recognize when our students make smart decisions and choices on stage (and off). This informs us during tech week if/when lines, songs, solos, or roles need to be reassigned which students are reliable and ready to receive more material. When a student demonstrates they are ready for more material, we take note of this and assign them with more material whenever possible.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit all donations are tax-deductible.

What year was jaxx founded?

There are several answers to that since it took a minute before it was officially called Jaxx, but all roads lead back to 2006 AFTER Jaxx, the dog came into Artistic Director, Jeremy Lucas’ life.

Who is Jaxx?

Jaxx was the most adorable, special, big-hearted, lovable theatre dog and mascot that you ever could meet. We celebrated his life and legacy at our 15 year anniversary gala, JAXX15: A CELEBRATION of LIFE starring Ryan McCartan, Elle McLemore & Jai Rodriguez. The organization was named after him. [insert Jaxx photo] In Loving Memory June 26, 2006 - April 30, 2022


Tech week is the exciting week where all the design and technical elements of the production are introduced. Students begin working with:

  • Props
  • Set
  • Costumes
  • Lighting
  • Sound & Microphones (limited in quantity)

Working with technical elements in a production takes additional time for both the safety of the performer and of the equipment. Therefore, it is imperative cast members are present for the tech week in its entirety.


Exact schedule may be found in the calendar section on Jaxx’s webpage for your site typically. We have class rehearsals everyday of tech week right after school for around four hours each day. These rehearsals are longer because it takes over an hour to get into and out of costumes and microphones. That does not include running, fixing, lighting the show or notes with the Directors. Notes will sometimes be sent home for this reason.


During TECH WEEK students may monitor their own snack/water/restroom breaks with the help of the Jaxx backstage crew. Each student has plenty of time to take breaks without missing any entrances or exits. Please make sure you pack extra snacks & water for your students for class rehearsals throughout tech week.


Once the cast reaches tech week, all material in the show should be taught, memorized and practiced in rehearsal and at home. Please review all singing (including BACKGROUND VOCALS), choreography, and of course, do not lose sight of all of your dialogue and cue lines.

BLACK SHOES (Needed everyday of TECH WEEK)

All cast members need to wear Jaxx approved ALL BLACK shoes. No insignia or other color may be on the shoe (this includes soles & laces)–Shiny, sparkles, glitter, etc. are all fine, as long as the shoes are all black. If a student is in need of black shoes, a $10 fee per day will be added to your card on file if Jaxx needs to supply a rental pair or use Gaff tape to cover the street shoe.


Please provide your student with black, white, or flesh colored undergarments that allow the freedom and ease to change costumes anywhere. Camisoles, tank tops, or t-shirts work well on top, and form fitting shorts on the bottom that will look okay underneath costumes. No long sleeves or leggings. You will be notified if we have a distinct color request for your student’s undergarments.

It is difficult to do costume fittings and/or wear microphones if your student is not wearing the appropriate undergarments. Thank you for your support.


Tickets for most productions are available at:“your site’s three letter initial” followed by the “show title”


All commemorative merchandise and program dedications or business ads may be purchased under the ‘Show Merchandise’ link located on the Jaxx webpage for your site.


Water, baked goods, & assorted treats are available pre-show, at intermission, and post-show at most of our performances. You can help raise money for Jaxx by donating baked goods (homemade or purchased), bottled water, and other quick snacks for our concessions tables. Delivery may be made during the class rehearsal before the performance. All baked goods need to be portioned and wrapped in reasonable $3 portion sizes.

All Commemorative Merchandise, Concessions, Program Dedications, Gift-o-Grams, & Ticket sales are a crucial financial component to our organization. All proceeds made go directly toward Jaxx programs, specifically to help offset the cost of the production and keep tuition affordable. Jaxx Theatricals, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit full inclusion arts education organization.


We are so grateful to everyone for their help with our shows. Working with your student at home, volunteering time, donating money, showing your student that you support their efforts as they learn the discipline it takes to be a performer and the joy they experience in performing for others is all so important. We love working with our students, watching them grow, and seeing them having the times of their lives on stage! THANK YOU for being a part of the Jaxx family!